Friday, 20 September 2013

Weigh in Week 9

I havent updated on my weight loss for a few weeks so time for a new post :)

I am still doing ok, the will power is coming and going but at the moment I am still losing weight every week :)

My weekly losses are now as follows

Week 1 - 8.5lbs lost
Week 2 - 4lbs lost
Week 3 - 1.5lbs lost
Week 4 - 4.5lbs lost
Week 5 - 1.5lbs lost
Week 6 - 0.5 lbs lost
Week 7 - 5lbs lost
Week 8 - 1.5lbs lost
Week 9 - 3lbs lost

So in total I have now lost 2st and 2lbs. I have been slimmer of the week 6 times as well which I feel a bit mean about. My target at the moment is 4stone off for xmas! Fingers crossed i can keep it up :)