Sunday, 29 January 2012

Pregnancy Worries!

I dont know what it is this time around but I find myself a lot more worried about EVERYTHING! I keep forgetting im pregnant and I dont think I completely believe that there actually will be a baby at 40 weeks!
With both Lexi and Logan I didnt really worry about much I did worry more with Logan than I did with Lexi but this time I am terrible!

I kept this pregnancy a secret from family until I was 13+3 as I was convinced Id lose the baby (with Logan every one knew the day I knew). I am currently 18+3 and all I have bought is a pram... now that might sound like a big purchase but it was £30 on ebay and I only got it because I knew Emma was looking for a cheap single pram to put the twins in for a while rather than put them straight into their side by side stroller so really it was more for her than me!
With both Lexi and Logan I had everything by 18weeks apart from outfit in pink/ blue that I got after the scan!

I dont feel the baby move much, I do feel it but can go over a day and not feel any thing which has also got me worried. I wish we could have little windows on our tummies where we can just sneek a peek when ever we want just to make sure everything is ok! The wait between the 12 week scan and the 20 week scan feels like a life time and then waiting from 20-40 is horrendous for a paranoid pregnant lady!

Im even worrying about the labour, Logans was very quick which makes me worry if it gets faster again I wont make it to the hospital and that thought completely petrifies me!

I would be really interested to know if any other mums or mums to be have felt like they had more worries after they already have children and shouldnt really have much to worry about?

1 comment:

  1. I had a combination of these feelings on my 3rd and 4th pregnancy. I think on my 3rd pregnancy I was a wreck cos I had lost a baby (my 2nd short pregnancy) at 11 wks (6 wks developed but I had a missed miscarriage which means my body didnt realise). We had tried for so long too.So on 3rd pregnancy I thought everything was wrong - and then I got SPD and had to have crutches from 6 mths preg so didnt go anywhere. I think when youre at home all the time it gets worse, espescially when u cant even keep yourself baby - 9 days late my 2nd baby was born. Also cos I was so desperate for this baby to be ok and we had tried for so long, a miscarriage in betwee, I was always thinking about falling preg and found out at 3 wks preg by a test. Then on my 3rd baby I didnt find out til nearly 2 months gone. So this was a little portion gone, and less time worrying - I always forgot I was pregnant though and went about doing every day stuff without a care in the world. but later in the perg I was worse and thought everything was wrong, even in labour. I went into early labour at 6am but when the kids woke up it all slowed down and went to nannies. I had horrific back pain and contractions all day, btu when i went to hospital they said i wasnt in established labour and sent me home. 2 hours later I was in super pain and had a bath, started pushign in the bath. So my partner called hospital said we were coming back in and they said not to - but i didnt take no for an answer. Got in hospital they wouldnt give me gas n air til they had done an internal - only to find i was fully dilated, and 45 mins later i had my baby! So no time to worry really lol... my 3rd baby has definitely been my most precious though, and I treat her so fragile in comparison to the others. As im having no more, she will always be the baby of the family!
