Monday, 2 April 2012

Coping with changes for toddlers!

I keep wondering how Logan will adjust to the new addition of the family in June and how I will manage to divide my time so that all 3 children get equal attention.

Logan is in a lot of ways very much a baby himself, his speech is still quite limited and he loves cuddling and like a lot of children just getting as much attention as possible :)
I do worry he may become jealous of the baby having mummies attention but im hoping any problems we will be able to deal with as and when the come!

Im not too worried about how Lexi will cope as she is very excited and cant wait to meet her 2nd little brother, but who knows it could be that Logan is the one who adjusts fine and Lexi could have problems!

Have your little people ever had difficulties when a new sibling has arrived? If so what did you do to make the transition easier for them?



  1. Love making stuff for my kids :-) I use cloth nappies so I make fleece soakers. I've so far made for my girly (due next month) a couple sweet little dresses and some dribble bibs, couple taggies. And of course couldn't forget my toddler who requested a nice fleecy blanket too :-) and puzzle balls. Love puzzle balls x

  2. My last post was supposed to be on the other one re making stuff for your children lol.
    Ok... So I was directed here for a competition but I'm finding it very interesting! Lol :-) ummm well I've OT 3 children. M older 2 are 15 and 9. So 6 year gap. When this next baby arrives in June, my youngest will be a month shy of 3yo. I'm wondering myself how he will cope regarding jealousy etc. as I've ne'er had such a small gap. I try to get him to engage in stuff I'm making / doing/ preparing for baby so he doesnt feel left out :-( how old are your little ones?
