I have had a busy shopping week trying to get everything sorted as I was feeling a little bit unorganised!
On Monday I went to boots to take advantage of their 3 for 2 on baby items offer and some vouchers I had from he parenting club!
I did it in 3 till trips because im strange like that lol
1st I got
The future mother must haves was discounted to £0 as I had a voucher to get it free when I spent £10 on avent products, the gro egg was free because of the 3 for 2 offer and I have a 20% discount code for the steriliser knocking off a further £4.80
This lot cost £54.95
I got 590 boots points with this lot as well worth £5.90 :)
Im always very careful to make sure I get the best over all price on things I want! While one item may be cheaper elsewhere it might not be on 3 for 2 or have other freebies or bonus points/ added extras with it!
Ok so the groegg might not have been an essential purchase, but ive always wanted one and decided to use the excuse of it will be free to the hubby lol :)
This freebie is going to go in my hospital bag
Next trip to the till
These newborn starter kits are fantastic value for money, they come with a packet of newborn nappies, a packet of wipes and they have started to come with some cotton soft sheets. (Wipes not pictured as I pinched the wipes out of these boxes for Logans sticky fingers, and I plan on using Johnsons wipes for baby to start with). Even better, inside the box their is some discount vouchers one for £2 off new born huggies (which you can use against this box) and 1 for £1 of huggies wipes - which im keeping stocked up for next time they are on offer for £1 at boots or in a local shop.
This lot cost me a total of £7.75 as I had one of the £2 vouchers off huggies from a previous box i had bought, and the breast pads were free in the 3 for 2 offer
I also got a further 90 points on my boots card worth 90p :)
Final trip to the till
I decided to spend the boots points I had just earned from my shopping to stock up on Johnsons wipes
I managed to get 6 packs for FREE using my points :)
(I could have got 7 packs if the special box of 6 for £5 had been in but my boots never has stock of the bargain in for long - still cant complain at 6 packs for nothing :D)
Total spend in boots £62.70 :D
On to my amazon spending lol :)
1st of all I was rather excited when I found the Fisher price Precious Planet bouncer was on offer on amazon for £14.99 so snapped it up very quickly! I already had £1.40 in my gift balance from an old competition win so it only cost me £13.59 :) Bargain - I got it at just the right time as well as its now gone back up to£36.95. When it arrived I was a tad over excited and rather than being sensible and leaving it in the box to save space until baby arrives of course I set it up straight away :)
Its my favourite purchase for bump so far I love it :D
My 2nd amazon purchase is probably a little boring but a very much needed item that I had been planning on getting for a long time but never getting around to remembering to buy when I had the money. A pack of 2 crib sheets. for £8.99!
Maybe boring, but an essential purchase!
In total I spent £85.28 this week, but I think I got a lot for my money and Im very happy with that :)
Im finally starting to feel like im nearly organised enough to have this baby :)
Ok maybe not quite organised enough, here is my stash of baby items that I have no where to put right now.
I really need to sort out a better storage plan lol :D