Sunday, 13 May 2012

Funky Giraffe bibs & more review (part 1)

Funky Giraffe bibs & more review!

I have decided to do this review in 2 parts, one now to show my initial impression on the products and one later on when Dexter has arrives to show him in these goodies :)

We have recieved 2 bibs a hat and a body suit to try out.  

We have the following designs

The quality of all the products is fantastic, the 1st thing I noticed was how soft the back of the bibs are they are lined in a fleecey material that is lovely for baby :-) 

As you can see the bibs connect at the back of the neck using poppers.

I have noticed the design print is of very good quality. I wondered when I saw these how they would wash and if the design would wear off after a few washes but the quality of it tells me that it wont come off easily. Its not the cheap tshirt transer style that you some times see on products its a very high quality print, I have tried to get a close up photo so you can see how good the quality is but im not sure how well it shows :) 

The hat shape is quite different to what you see in the shops, it reminds me of elves :) and I look forward to trying it out with Dexter.

For the prices...

Initially when you look at the website and see the prices at £4 each for the bibs it could be easy to be put off, but funkygiraffe have a fantastic quantity discount that kicks in as soon as you add a 2nd bib to your basket. 

Here is a copy of the current price chart as you can see they work out much better value for pennies if you buy a few £2.20 each if you buy 5 or £2.05 each if you buy 10. There is a lot of fantastic designs so it is very easy to get 10 or even more in your basket.

The hats are priced at £4 and the vests at £8.

Postage is FREE in the UK which is also pretty fab.

I can quite easily see myself becoming a little bit of a funky bib addict when Dexter arrives. I am really looking forward to trying these out with him. I do love funky designs and so far I am very impressed with the quality.

Go and take a look at all the fab designs at Funkygiraffe and see what you like :)

(part 2 of this review to follow after Dexters arrival)

1 comment:

  1. I've had a look at their website and they have some brilliant items. My cousin had a baby on Friday and I will definitely recommend this site to her!
